Aliyah: Understanding the Return of the Jewish People to Israel

Aliyah: Understanding the ReturnWorkbook - £20.00

This unique course unfolds the story of God's plan for Israel by balancing biblical prophecy with the nitty-gritty of real life. Whether Israel is new to you or you are a seasoned veteran who has stood with Israel throughout the years, this study will change your life. The thrill of adventure awaits! This long-awaited, one-of-a-kind Bible study was written by Patricia Frame, Field Director of Ezra International, a 30-year veteran in the work of Aliyah.


  • Eight lessons with discussion questions. No homework, 96 pages, full color, spiral-bound.
  • Ideally-suited for eight 2-hour (or sixteen 1-hour) classes.
  • Perfect home groups, mid-week Bible studies, weekend seminars and more.

Eight Lessons

Lesson 1 Israel: The Land
Lesson 2 Israel: The People
Lesson 3 Restoration of All Things
Lesson 4 History and Meaning of Aliyah
Lesson 5 Call to the Gentiles and the Aliyah Process
Lesson 6 Obstacles to Aliyah and Intercession for Aliyah Lesson
7 Anti-Semitism and Lessons Learned from Esther
Lesson 8 The Purpose of it All


I've been teaching about Israel for over 25 years and I am so excited to be teaching this new course on Aliyah. Dr Carrie Burns came to our community to pilot the first few lessons of this Bible study with our women's group. Something happened to me. I began to feel crushed for the Jewish families still in the Diaspora who, for illness or lack of funds, cannot get back to Israel. I am not a crier, but I just began to sob. It touched me, it opened up a new area in my life and gave me something significant for which to devote myself in prayer, giving and teaching. It was an unforgettable moment for me, it was life-changing. It literally changed the direction of my life. Mary Louise, Denton, Texas, USA


If you want more information then drop a line to If you are interested in teaching the course there is additional material available – contact


Contact by Mail: PO Box 374, CARLISLE, CA1 9EW
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