Our children and grandchildren left for Israel before the war that engulfed all of Ukraine. We had no great desire to leave Ukraine, despite the fact that the children insisted that we come to them immediately. It was so hard to part with most of our lives that had been spent here. My wife and I weighed the pros and cons of repatriation to Israel for a long time. There were many doubts and fears. A very weighty argument in favor of staying in Ukraine is that our age limits us in many ways. We will not be able to work like young people, it will be difficult for us to adapt to new living conditions...
We are making aliyah because we want to change our lives!
When the full-scale war began, I went to defend Ukraine. I had to be in the hottest battles. Now it is still hard for me to remember my combat experience, because it is too much of a burden on the psyche. The circumstances that a soldier goes through on the front lines are sometimes simply unbearable! I miraculously managed to avoid death several times! Thanks to the Almighty, I emerged from combat clashes alive many times! But...
I'm running away from the war. I can't stand all the horror that's happening anymore!
Our city, Zaporozhe, suffers greatly from enemy shelling. Lately, their terrible bombs, called KAB-500, have been flying towards us. These are large-range aerial bombs, and the Russians say that they are guided. We do not understand where they are directing this terrible weapon of death...
We have been considering making Aliyah for 21 years. We have received the love of Israel since our childhood from our parents. We have made several plans that we did not realize. 4 of our children went up after the baccalaureate with the masa programs, did their studies...
I have different reasons why Aliyah is important in my life. One of the main is my son, Gabriel, and the other is the financial situation my family is in today. I have always dreamt about going to Israel – and that day has now come...
We feel good in Israel, it's our country. Despite the problems of insecurity, we feel safer than in France, it is paradoxical. Every time we are in Israel, we feel that we belong. My husband wants to study in Israel. My four children want to continue their higher education in Israel...
I am making aliyah with my son, Mikita. Through Aliyah our family is reuniting, and we see our future as being in Israel. You can say we are running away from the tough political and economic situations and looking forward to a better future...
Date 24/05/24
My name is Ben-Hur, I am married to Marcia and father of Felipe. Even though we did not attend the Jewish community, due to the long distance, from a young age our parents gave us the burning desire to return to Israel. <br> Our story is that we started working early to help around the house, which is why...
Date 24/05/24
During March members of our Ukraine team have been holding meetings with the Jewish communities in a number of towns and cities close to the war zone. These meetings have been organised together with Ezra Ukraine, Christians for Israel and the Jewish organisation...
Date 03/04/24
Making aliyah is important to me because it is the fulfilment of a Zionist dream and the return to my land, my heritage and all the roots of my ancestors. Returning has always been in the back of my mind!...
Date: 05/01/24
We went through a lot of difficulties here in Brazil and this was decisive for us to look for an alternative way of life. Making aliyah was the best option. We hope to live with dignity and security in Israel....
Date: 05/01/24
In early September, Ezra Argentina started running 4 interactive online Hebrew evening classes, known as 'Ulpan'. These are pitched at beginner and intermediate levels for Spanish-speaking new migrants (Olim) in Israel as well as classes for students in Latin America, most of whom are in the process of making aliyah...
Date: 05/01/24
Vasili did not ‘fall’ into Ezra’s hands immediately. Firstly, the Jewish aid organisation Chesed in Odessa received a call from Vasili’s daughter from Israel with a request to help find and evacuate her father from Kherson and help him get to Israel...
Date: 29/08/23
The idea of making aliyah has been brewing in my head for a long time, especially since my cousin Vladislav, quite recently, in October 2022, left for the SELA (Village) youth training program and the first acquaintance with the country of Israel, of course, comes through him - my cousin...
Date: 25/06/23
The war pushed me out from my country. This war has changed many things around us and day by day everything around me became worse. In this hard time while there is war around I lost my husband. He had a stroke and nothing could help him stay alive. As I became alone, I felt like completely unprotected...
Date: 03/03/23
Giga is making aliyah with his wife, Natia and son Luka – they are from Tbilisi, Georgia. Giga tells their story. All my family members and relatives have moved to Israel, and I want to reunite with them and try a new life for me and my family.
Date: 14/01/23
Aliyah is a radical change of life for us! It’s the return to our roots. We are retired and wanted a revival, a new life; In addition, our children have all left the family nest.
Date: 14/01/23
I decided to make aliya because of the war. I want to live life to the fullest, not try to survive in these harsh conditions of war. I am 62 years old, and I dream of still being happy and successful! I am very happy that there is such an opportunity to become an Israeli citizen and change everything in my life!
Date: 14/01/23
11 August 2020 is the day when our family Evgenia and Yaroslav first crossed the threshold of the Jewish Agency in Bendery, with the question of leaving for permanent residence in the State of Israel...
Date: 20/10/22
My family already lives in Israel, and I want to reunite with them. I am very proud of my Jewish heritage, and I want to return to my Holy Land. I am young and I think I have many possibilities to realise my dreams in Israel.
Date: 02/05/22
I’m running from the war! I am very afraid of the sound of the sirens and the fact that I have nowhere to hide. There is no bomb shelter nearby. I want to live in safety. I am Jewish through my father...
Date: 02/05/22
Aliyah means a new beginning, with a greater connection to my Jewish roots. I decided on this path to be together with my family, and also with the hope of having a better quality of life, security, and spiritual growth.
Date: 02/05/22
Aliyah for us represents a return to our Holy Land of Israel that God gave us to live in in order to fulfil all the commandments of the Torah. We visited Israel 6 years ago as part of a year of strengthening our convictions.
Date: 15/06/21
Celso and Paula are making aliyah along with their son, Bruno. Celso tells their story. My name is Celso, I am from São Paulo, Brazil.
Aliyah for me means the realisation of a dream.
Date: 17/01/21
I am a pensioner, 69-years old, divorced and alone here in Ukraine. I had surgery for slipped discs, but it was not successful. If it wasn’t for my students who supported me, I would have become homeless, weak and sick.
Date: 17/01/21
My name is Marcos, I am from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Aliyah for me means a return to our Land, and being with my son and granddaughters. Family is very important in our life, and the time has come for us to go
Date: 31/12/20
My name is Marcos, I am from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Aliyah for me means a return to our Land, and being with my son and granddaughters. Family is very important in our life, and the time has come for us to go
Date: 29/12/20
My name is Zohara and I am from São Paulo, Brazil. Aliyah for me means a return to my roots as a Jew. I made this decision after the birth of my granddaughter...
Date: 21/11/20
The catalyst in our process happened in 2008 when there was war and Russian soldiers occupied part of our country. At that time tanks entered our city of Kaspi and the biggest tragedy in our family happened. My husband’s aunt was killed and was burned in a car.
Date: 21/11/20
Gvantsa and Salome are sisters making aliyah together. Gvantsa tells their story: Israel is our dream country and our roots are there.
Date: 11/09/20
Israel is my heart and I want to live there for the rest of my life. Due to our Jewish roots my family has seen many, many struggles but thank God He saved us. It’s important to me to be connected to this Holy Land.
Date: 11/09/20
Alena and Evgenii came from Khabarovsk in the Russian Far East. They were making aliyah along with their son, Alexei. They are a very interesting family.
Date: 16/07/20
We got to know 20-year old Maria* about 18 months ago. She graduated from a State children’s home for children with neuropsychiatric diagnosis.
Date: 04/07/20
Benjamen and his wife, Mazal, are making aliyah along with their 3 daughters – Odelia, Neoray and Tali Sarah and their 2 sons – Aviel and Yaniv. Mazal tells their story:
Date: 04/07/20
BMy name is Maria de Fátima, I´m from, São Paulo, Brazil. I am making aliyah with my Aunt and Uncle. Aliyah, for me, means living in Israel,
Date: 04/07/20
I’m not greatly given to dreams that have meaning but maybe 15 years ago or longer I had a dream which indicated I would be involved in helping Jewish people leave Bulgaria.
Date: 04/07/20
On 28 May 2020 our long-planned repatriation to the promised land finally happened! YES! YES! How did it all start?
Date: 04/07/20
According to the 2019 Annual Assessment of the Situation and Dynamics of the Jewish People today Israel should prepare for a potential mass wave of immigration to the country amid increased antisemitism.
Date: 04/07/20