This is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I will beckon to the Gentiles, I will lift up my banner to the peoples; they will bring your sons in their arms and carry your daughters on their shoulders.” Isaiah 49:22
How Can You Help
This page offers many opportunities for getting involved with Ezra and taking your place in the outworking of biblical prophecy.
Who can help? This ministry survives thanks to the help of many people. You too can be a part. Everyone! Anyone! Whether you are in the field or at home, you can be a part of this ministry! We need you!!
Here's how:
- Pray for Ezra: Receive weekly or monthly prayer points (by e-mail) and pray for Ezra and the work that we are doing around the world. Send us your name and e-mail address to letting us know whether you want the weekly or monthly prayer points or both!
- Start a Prayer Group: If you can get a few people together to pray then we can send you extra prayer information in time for your meeting – if you let us know when it is!!
- Contribute to Ezra: Your contribution will help needy Jewish people in their aliyah process. You can simply press the 'Donate' button above to use PayPal. You can send a cheque made out to Ezra UK to Ezra UK, PO Box 374, Carlisle CA1 9EW or you can download a standing order form and send to your bank in order to give on a regular basis. To help us raise even more money from your donation you can also download and complete a Gift Aid form. You can also give by bank transfer – for Aliyah and General funds sort code is 30-93-14 and account number is 05381625 (EZRA UK);
-To support the children’s projects: Sort code 30-80-37, account number is 78336560 (EZRA UK – NO2)
- Join Ezra's Mailing List: Let us send you the latest information and keep informed on the work Ezra is doing. Send us your e-mail address and we’ll send it to you.
- Host a Dinner/Coffee Morning/Quiz: Introduce the work to your friends and family by hosting a dinner, coffee morning or quiz and either invite an Ezra speaker or show a DVD on the work.
- Invite a Speaker: Ezra speakers have a wealth of experience and knowledge of the work of aliyah – and many tales to tell! Invite a speaker to your church, group and learn more! No group is too small …
- Represent Ezra: Ezra UK is looking for representatives to spread the word of God's eternal plan for the return of the Jewish people to their "Promised Land".
Aliyah Course: If you are interested in joining or running an Aliyah Course (see Bookshop) contact us –
- Social Media
For those on Social Media please like our pages and or Subscribe, not just a post. Please share when you can to extend the network.
Yes! I want to be one of the gentiles God is calling to help His sons and daughters return home. (Isaiah 49:22)
Download our Gift Aid Document here
Download our Standing Order Mandate here